Board Background Sheets 1-14-19
Agenda Item 1.
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Agenda: Items to be removed from the agenda or changes to the agenda will be made at this time.
Action Requested:
1.1 None.
1.2 Approval.
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
1.2 A trustee, administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the agenda or the order of the agenda be changed at the pleasure of the Board.
Agenda items may be added to the agenda if an “emergency situation” exists or “immediate action” is needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 2.
2.1 Financial Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each month a Financial Report is given in order to keep the Board apprised of the District’s fiscal condition.
Fiscal Implications:
As reported.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Carly Wallace
Agenda Item 2.
2.2 2018-19 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Using survey data and other input, the LCAP attempts to capture and reduce to writing what our school does so well: help students attain high levels of achievement through a whole-child approach to education.
The LCAP has two goals as described in the attached summary of the LCAP.
At each Board meeting, the Board and the public will be notified of the District’s progress on the LCAP’s goals and are encouraged to provide their input.
The link below leads to the JCSD LCAP.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 2.
2.3 Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2018 with Independent Auditor’s Report 2017-18
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s Audit for the year ended June 30, 2018, was conducted in September of 2018. Please see the attached correspondences from our auditor and the Auditor’s Report (Hard copies are available for the Board and the public at the meeting.) for detailed information. Matt Hauge CPA for David L. Moonie & Co, LLP is available to answer any questions.
Communication With Those Charged With Governance Letter:
Audit Report:
Corrected page 73 of Audit Report:
Fiscal Implications:
The District’s attendance reports understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively, The total understatement of ADA translates to an increase in local control funding formula of approximately $4,700.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 2.
2.4 District Certification of its Corrective Action Plan for the Year Ended June 30, 2018
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s Audit for the year ended June 30, 2018, was conducted in September of 2018. There were three audit findings:
Finding 2018-001 requires the District to Improve internal controls over After School Enrichment and Academic Support billing. he District will establish written procedures for the cash handling and general record keeping of the afterschool enrichment program. The District will utilize the school information system, School Wise, for billing and financial tracking purposes in the same fashion that it is used for our after school daycare program.
Finding 2018-002 required the District to closely monitor Independent Study procedures Independent Study Contract form will be redesigned and printed in color to make signature lines more obvious.
The District will amend the P-2 and Annual attendance reports as stated in Finding 2018-003.
Finding 2018-003 requires the district its Second Period (P-2) and Annual attendance reports to reflect the understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively.
The Corrective Action Plan requires Board certification. Please see the attached District Corrective Action Plan.
Fiscal Implications:
The District’s attendance reports understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively, The total understatement of ADA translates to an increase in local control funding formula of approximately $4,700.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Carly Wallace
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.1 Approval of Warrants & Payroll.
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
This is a monthly process. The warrants and payroll totals are inspected and clarification is given if needed. The Board Warrant and Payroll Reports are attached.
Fiscal Implications:
December: $27,192.99
December: $ 162,613.84
December: $63,485.21
Total: $226,099.05
November: $5,177.50
November: $5,556.59
Total: $10,734.09
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Thor Arwood
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.2 Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of December 10, 2018
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The minutes prior meetings are inspected, corrected if needed, and approved. This is a routine monthly process for the Board. The minutes are attached.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Timothy Parisi, Karen Roberts
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.3 Resignations, Hires and Leaves
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Resignation: None
Hires: Caroline Brock, Second Grade Aide
Leaves: None
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.4 Williams Uniform Complaint, Quarterly Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District is required by the Education Code to report any complaints regarding the provision of textbooks and instructional materials, teacher vacancy or mis-assignment, and/or facilities conditions. The Board approves these reports each quarter. No complaints were received in the last quarter.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 4.
4.1 Comments by the Public
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Board members or staff may choose to respond briefly to Public Comments.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 5.
5.1 Lead Testing Program for California School–City of Arcata
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 6.
6.1 Board Members
6.2 Jacoby Creek Teachers Association
6.3 California School Employees Association
6.4 Assistant Superintendent
6.5 Superintendent/Principal
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
6.1 Board members may choose to make a report.
6.2 and 6.3 JCTA and CSEA may choose to address the Board.
6.4 Each month the Assistant Superintendent may give a report on school events and activities.
6.5 Each month the Superintendent/Principal will give a report on the state of the District.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.1 Student Enrollment and Attendance Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each month the Board receives this report to keep the Board apprised of enrollment and attendance patterns. As our revenue is generated by our enrollment and actual daily attendance, there are fiscal implications based on these figures.
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Melynda Blaine
Agenda Item 7.
7.3 2000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, Second Reading
BP 2121
BP 2140
BP 2210
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s current policies above in the 2000 Series are outdated and require revision to meet current legal standards and reflect current District practice.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, Second Reading
AR 3100
AR 3260
AR 3280
AR 3311
AR 3314
AR 3320
AR 3440
AR 3460
AR 3512
AR 3513.3
AR 3514.2
AR 3514
AR 3515.2
AR 3515.5
AR 3515.6
AR 3516.3
AR 3516
AR 3517
AR 3541
Agenda Item 7.
Subject: Continued
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, First Reading
AR 3542
AR 3543
AR 3550
AR 3553
AR 3554
AR 3580
BP 3100
BP 3230
BP 3260
BP 3270
BP 3280
BP 3311
BP 3312
BP 3320
BP 3350
BP 3470
BP 3513.3
BP 3513.4
Agenda Item 7.
Subject: Continued
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, First Reading
BP 3514.1
BP 3514
BP 3515.2
BP 3515.7
BP 3516
BP 3550
BP 3551
BP 3553
BP 3555
BP 3580
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s current policies above in the 3000 Series are outdated and require revision to meet current legal standards and reflect current District practice.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.4 Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6145 Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities, Review
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board Policy (BP) and related Administrative Regulations (AR) in this agenda item are legally required to be reviewed on an annual basis.
AR 6145
BP 6145
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.5 State and Local Bond Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
1. Previous information shared at past Board meetings regarding the state and local bonds as of the December 10, 2018, Board Meeting may be found at the link below:
2. New information regarding the state and local bonds since the December 10,, 2018, Board Meeting:
a. The City of Arcata has granted the District an exemption to a Coastal Development Permit. This concludes the CEQA process and allows us to obtain the approval of the California Department of Education for our Project One and Project Two projects. A letter from the City regarding the exemption can be found by following this link:
b. State Bond Funding:
1) Developer Fee:
i. The Northern California Homebuilders Association (NCHB) has expressed opposition to the implementation of a Developer Fee by the District.
ii. We are pursuing two paths to resolve the Developer Fee issue.
aa. We consulted with Ken Reynolds, our School facilities Consultant. Ken investigated the possibility that potential litigation would exempt the District from the requirement of implementing a Developer Fee in order to establish Extreme Hardship status. Ken discovered that this will likely be the case.
bb. We are consulting with our legal counsel Jennifer Henry of School and College Services regarding to what extent the NCHB opposition has validity and what the appropriate response would be.
i) Jennifer has drafted a revised resolution that would give the District the authority to implement a Developer Fee and allow the NCHB an option to be exempted from that fee. We have presented that resolution to the NCHB and are awaiting their response.
ii) Potential litigation would be discussed during closed session at a future Board meeting.
iii. This item will be brought back to the Board at a future meeting after we receive a response from the NCHB and consulted with Jennifer.
c. State and Local Bond Funding:
1) Unreasonable Hardship Request:
i. On October 30th, our architect submitted a Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship to the Division of the State Architect to secure the funding we need for the partial construction of the American with Disabilities Act improvements for Project One.
ii. On Friday, November 30th, our architect, the Superintendent/Principal and the Assistant Superintendent had a phone conference with Dessa Rooney, Manager of the Oakland Regional Office of the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and one of her staff members. DSA requested more information from our architect and the District. We provided that information to them on Monday, December 3rd. DSA will consider our request.
iii. After our phone conversation with DSA, it is the opinion of our architect, Guy Fryer, that DSA will not grant our Unreasonable Hardship Request.
Agenda Item 7.
7.5 State and Local Bond Report
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need-continued:
2) Revision of Project One Plans:
i. Anticipating that our Unreasonable Hardship Request will be denied, we have directed our architect to move forward to re-design Project One to include only building a library and the minimal Fire, Life and Safety and American with Disabilities Act improvements. Our current construction budget can complete those items. This reduction in the scope of Project One has been discussed previously and due to budget issues, has now become a reality.
ii. We have received informal approval from the DSA for our revised plans. We are awaiting formal approval.
iii. As soon as we receive formal DSA approval of our revised plans, we will request that Pierson Building Company re-submit their Lease Leaseback bid package.
3) Project Two Plans have been approved by the DSA.
d. We expect to be able to begin construction this spring.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.6 CSBA Policy Manual Workshop
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need-continued:
California School Board Association (CSBA) is offering a policy manual workshop in Humboldt County. In this three day workshop administration, and trustees if they choose, are guided through updating all of the District’s Administrative Regulations in Board Policies. Following the workshop the Board adopts the entire updated policy manual.
CSBA sends out updates for policies five times per year. Once the policies are all up to date, reviewing and updating them five times annually is an efficient way to ensure policies remain up to date and legally compliant.
The administration requests direction from the Board as to whether they would prefer to pay for this workshop or continue updating the policies one group at a time.
Approval would indicate that the Board would like the administrator to pursue attending the CSBA Policy Manual Workshop.
Fiscal Implications:
If three (3) districts participate: $5,420
If four (4) districts participate: $5,330
If five (5) districts participate: $5,275
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, CSBA Representative Alex Zucco
Alex Zucco
Policy Manual Consultant
California School Boards Association
3251 Beacon Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 669-3371
Agenda Item 8.
8.1 2017-18 School Accountability Report Card
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each year, the Board is required to approve and post a School Accountability Report Card, which contains data and information regarding the district required by the state of California. The administrative staff has prepared the 2017-18 School Accountability Report Card.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 9.
No Items.
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 10.
10.1 Items for consideration for future agendas
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board may consider items for future Board meeting agendas. Board members or the public may suggest agenda items. The Board President and the Superintendent determine if an item is placed on the agenda based upon if it is related to school district business and within the jurisdiction of the Board.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 11.
11.1 Future Board meetings
Monday, February 11, 2019, Monday, March 11, 2019, Monday, April 8, 2019
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
11.1 At its annual organizational meeting in December, the Board scheduled its meetings for the 2019 calendar year. The Board may adjust this meeting schedule as needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
genda Item 1.
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Agenda: Items to be removed from the agenda or changes to the agenda will be made at this time.
Action Requested:
1.1 None.
1.2 Approval.
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
1.2 A trustee, administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the agenda or the order of the agenda be changed at the pleasure of the Board.
Agenda items may be added to the agenda if an “emergency situation” exists or “immediate action” is needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 2.
2.1 Financial Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each month a Financial Report is given in order to keep the Board apprised of the District’s fiscal condition.
Fiscal Implications:
As reported.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Carly Wallace
Agenda Item 2.
2.2 2018-19 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Using survey data and other input, the LCAP attempts to capture and reduce to writing what our school does so well: help students attain high levels of achievement through a whole-child approach to education.
The LCAP has two goals as described in the attached summary of the LCAP.
At each Board meeting, the Board and the public will be notified of the District’s progress on the LCAP’s goals and are encouraged to provide their input.
The link below leads to the JCSD LCAP.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 2.
2.3 Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2018 with Independent Auditor’s Report 2017-18
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s Audit for the year ended June 30, 2018, was conducted in September of 2018. Please see the attached correspondences from our auditor and the Auditor’s Report (Hard copies are available for the Board and the public at the meeting.) for detailed information. Matt Hauge CPA for David L. Moonie & Co, LLP is available to answer any questions.
Communication With Those Charged With Governance Letter:
Audit Report:
Corrected page 73 of Audit Report:
Fiscal Implications:
The District’s attendance reports understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively, The total understatement of ADA translates to an increase in local control funding formula of approximately $4,700.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 2.
2.4 District Certification of its Corrective Action Plan for the Year Ended June 30, 2018
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s Audit for the year ended June 30, 2018, was conducted in September of 2018. There were three audit findings:
Finding 2018-001 requires the District to Improve internal controls over After School Enrichment and Academic Support billing. he District will establish written procedures for the cash handling and general record keeping of the afterschool enrichment program. The District will utilize the school information system, School Wise, for billing and financial tracking purposes in the same fashion that it is used for our after school daycare program.
Finding 2018-002 required the District to closely monitor Independent Study procedures Independent Study Contract form will be redesigned and printed in color to make signature lines more obvious.
The District will amend the P-2 and Annual attendance reports as stated in Finding 2018-003.
Finding 2018-003 requires the district its Second Period (P-2) and Annual attendance reports to reflect the understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively.
The Corrective Action Plan requires Board certification. Please see the attached District Corrective Action Plan.
Fiscal Implications:
The District’s attendance reports understated second period ADA and annual ADA by 0.74 and 0.12, respectively, The total understatement of ADA translates to an increase in local control funding formula of approximately $4,700.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Carly Wallace
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.1 Approval of Warrants & Payroll.
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
This is a monthly process. The warrants and payroll totals are inspected and clarification is given if needed. The Board Warrant and Payroll Reports are attached.
Fiscal Implications:
December: $27,192.99
December: $ 162,613.84
December: $63,485.21
Total: $226,099.05
November: $5,177.50
November: $5,556.59
Total: $10,734.09
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Thor Arwood
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.2 Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of December 10, 2018
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The minutes prior meetings are inspected, corrected if needed, and approved. This is a routine monthly process for the Board. The minutes are attached.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Timothy Parisi, Karen Roberts
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.3 Resignations, Hires and Leaves
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Resignation: None
Hires: Caroline Brock, Second Grade Aide
Leaves: None
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.4 Williams Uniform Complaint, Quarterly Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District is required by the Education Code to report any complaints regarding the provision of textbooks and instructional materials, teacher vacancy or mis-assignment, and/or facilities conditions. The Board approves these reports each quarter. No complaints were received in the last quarter.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 4.
4.1 Comments by the Public
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Board members or staff may choose to respond briefly to Public Comments.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 5.
5.1 Lead Testing Program for California School–City of Arcata
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 6.
6.1 Board Members
6.2 Jacoby Creek Teachers Association
6.3 California School Employees Association
6.4 Assistant Superintendent
6.5 Superintendent/Principal
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
6.1 Board members may choose to make a report.
6.2 and 6.3 JCTA and CSEA may choose to address the Board.
6.4 Each month the Assistant Superintendent may give a report on school events and activities.
6.5 Each month the Superintendent/Principal will give a report on the state of the District.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.1 Student Enrollment and Attendance Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each month the Board receives this report to keep the Board apprised of enrollment and attendance patterns. As our revenue is generated by our enrollment and actual daily attendance, there are fiscal implications based on these figures.
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Melynda Blaine
Agenda Item 7.
7.3 2000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, Second Reading
BP 2121
BP 2140
BP 2210
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s current policies above in the 2000 Series are outdated and require revision to meet current legal standards and reflect current District practice.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, Second Reading
AR 3100
AR 3260
AR 3280
AR 3311
AR 3314
AR 3320
AR 3440
AR 3460
AR 3512
AR 3513.3
AR 3514.2
AR 3514
AR 3515.2
AR 3515.5
AR 3515.6
AR 3516.3
AR 3516
AR 3517
AR 3541
Agenda Item 7.
Subject: Continued
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, First Reading
AR 3542
AR 3543
AR 3550
AR 3553
AR 3554
AR 3580
BP 3100
BP 3230
BP 3260
BP 3270
BP 3280
BP 3311
BP 3312
BP 3320
BP 3350
BP 3470
BP 3513.3
BP 3513.4
Agenda Item 7.
Subject: Continued
7.4 3000 Series Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, First Reading
BP 3514.1
BP 3514
BP 3515.2
BP 3515.7
BP 3516
BP 3550
BP 3551
BP 3553
BP 3555
BP 3580
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District’s current policies above in the 3000 Series are outdated and require revision to meet current legal standards and reflect current District practice.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.4 Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6145 Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities, Review
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board Policy (BP) and related Administrative Regulations (AR) in this agenda item are legally required to be reviewed on an annual basis.
AR 6145
BP 6145
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.5 State and Local Bond Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
1. Previous information shared at past Board meetings regarding the state and local bonds as of the December 10, 2018, Board Meeting may be found at the link below:
2. New information regarding the state and local bonds since the December 10,, 2018, Board Meeting:
a. The City of Arcata has granted the District an exemption to a Coastal Development Permit. This concludes the CEQA process and allows us to obtain the approval of the California Department of Education for our Project One and Project Two projects. A letter from the City regarding the exemption can be found by following this link:
b. State Bond Funding:
1) Developer Fee:
i. The Northern California Homebuilders Association (NCHB) has expressed opposition to the implementation of a Developer Fee by the District.
ii. We are pursuing two paths to resolve the Developer Fee issue.
aa. We consulted with Ken Reynolds, our School facilities Consultant. Ken investigated the possibility that potential litigation would exempt the District from the requirement of implementing a Developer Fee in order to establish Extreme Hardship status. Ken discovered that this will likely be the case.
bb. We are consulting with our legal counsel Jennifer Henry of School and College Services regarding to what extent the NCHB opposition has validity and what the appropriate response would be.
i) Jennifer has drafted a revised resolution that would give the District the authority to implement a Developer Fee and allow the NCHB an option to be exempted from that fee. We have presented that resolution to the NCHB and are awaiting their response.
ii) Potential litigation would be discussed during closed session at a future Board meeting.
iii. This item will be brought back to the Board at a future meeting after we receive a response from the NCHB and consulted with Jennifer.
c. State and Local Bond Funding:
1) Unreasonable Hardship Request:
i. On October 30th, our architect submitted a Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship to the Division of the State Architect to secure the funding we need for the partial construction of the American with Disabilities Act improvements for Project One.
ii. On Friday, November 30th, our architect, the Superintendent/Principal and the Assistant Superintendent had a phone conference with Dessa Rooney, Manager of the Oakland Regional Office of the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and one of her staff members. DSA requested more information from our architect and the District. We provided that information to them on Monday, December 3rd. DSA will consider our request.
iii. After our phone conversation with DSA, it is the opinion of our architect, Guy Fryer, that DSA will not grant our Unreasonable Hardship Request.
Agenda Item 7.
7.5 State and Local Bond Report
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need-continued:
2) Revision of Project One Plans:
i. Anticipating that our Unreasonable Hardship Request will be denied, we have directed our architect to move forward to re-design Project One to include only building a library and the minimal Fire, Life and Safety and American with Disabilities Act improvements. Our current construction budget can complete those items. This reduction in the scope of Project One has been discussed previously and due to budget issues, has now become a reality.
ii. We have received informal approval from the DSA for our revised plans. We are awaiting formal approval.
iii. As soon as we receive formal DSA approval of our revised plans, we will request that Pierson Building Company re-submit their Lease Leaseback bid package.
3) Project Two Plans have been approved by the DSA.
d. We expect to be able to begin construction this spring.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.6 CSBA Policy Manual Workshop
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need-continued:
California School Board Association (CSBA) is offering a policy manual workshop in Humboldt County. In this three day workshop administration, and trustees if they choose, are guided through updating all of the District’s Administrative Regulations in Board Policies. Following the workshop the Board adopts the entire updated policy manual.
CSBA sends out updates for policies five times per year. Once the policies are all up to date, reviewing and updating them five times annually is an efficient way to ensure policies remain up to date and legally compliant.
The administration requests direction from the Board as to whether they would prefer to pay for this workshop or continue updating the policies one group at a time.
Approval would indicate that the Board would like the administrator to pursue attending the CSBA Policy Manual Workshop.
Fiscal Implications:
If three (3) districts participate: $5,420
If four (4) districts participate: $5,330
If five (5) districts participate: $5,275
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, CSBA Representative Alex Zucco
Alex Zucco
Policy Manual Consultant
California School Boards Association
3251 Beacon Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 669-3371
Agenda Item 8.
8.1 2017-18 School Accountability Report Card
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each year, the Board is required to approve and post a School Accountability Report Card, which contains data and information regarding the district required by the state of California. The administrative staff has prepared the 2017-18 School Accountability Report Card.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person: Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 9.
No Items.
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 10.
10.1 Items for consideration for future agendas
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board may consider items for future Board meeting agendas. Board members or the public may suggest agenda items. The Board President and the Superintendent determine if an item is placed on the agenda based upon if it is related to school district business and within the jurisdiction of the Board.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 11.
11.1 Future Board meetings
Monday, February 11, 2019, Monday, March 11, 2019, Monday, April 8, 2019
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
11.1 At its annual organizational meeting in December, the Board scheduled its meetings for the 2019 calendar year. The Board may adjust this meeting schedule as needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s: Melanie Nannizzi, Shari Lovett