Board Packet 2017-05-08
Agenda Item 1.
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Agenda: Items to be removed from the agenda or changes to the agenda will be made at this time.
Action Requested:
1.1 None.
1.2 Approval.
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
1.2 A trustee, administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the agenda or the order of the agenda be changed at the pleasure of the Board.
Agenda items may be added to the agenda if an “emergency situation” exists or “immediate action” is needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 2.
2.1 Financial Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Cindy Vickers, Director of Financial Services for the Northern Humboldt Union High School District, whose staff provides our business services, will present a Financial Report.
Fiscal Implications:
As reported.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi, Cindy Vickers
Agenda Item 2.
2.2 2016-17 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Summary
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board approved the District’s 2016-17 LCAP on June 13, 2016.
Using survey data and other input, the LCAP attempts to capture and reduce to writing what our school does so well: help students attain high levels of achievement through a whole-child approach to education.
The LCAP has two goals as described in the summary of the LCAP (digitally attached).
At each Board meeting, the Board and the public will be notified of the District’s progress on the LCAP goals and are encouraged to provide their input.
The 2017-2018 LCAP will be brought to the Board at the June 15, 2017 public hearing. Adoption of the 2017-2018 LCAP will be requested at the June 16, 2017 meeting.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 2.
2.3 Proposition 39 Report and Selection of a Contractor for the Solar PhotoVoltaic System
Action Requested:
Award the contract for the Solar PhotoVoltaic System (SPS) project.
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District has received Proposition 39 funding for energy savings improvements.
The next energy savings improvements that need to be made under the Proposition 39 funding are to install a SPS on the roof of building six (rooms 1-4) during the Summer of 2017.
Sara Demetroff from Greenway Partners is present this evening to answer any questions the Board or the public may have regarding this project and the Bid Proposals. The Bid Proposals (digitally attached) and Greenway’s recommendation for those proposals are displayed below.
Bid Proposals for the Supply, Install and Commissioning of a Grid-Tied, 23.76 kW, SPS:
$62,800.00, Paul Woodworth
$66,623.11, McKeever Energy & Electric
Greenway’s recommendation for the Bid Proposals:
Greenway recommends that the District hire Paul Woodworth to complete Phase Two of the Jacoby Creek Prop 39 SPS.
Greenway also recommends that the District approve both additive alternates proposed by Paul Woodworth:
$2,100 – HiQ Inverter Warranty Increased from 10 years to 25 years for (4) inverters
$5,500 – Install U.S. Manufactured Auxin 305W modules, increasing system size from 23.76kW to 26.84kW
Fiscal Implications:
Greenway’s recommendation for the Bid Proposals falls within the Proposition 39 budget for this project.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.1 Approval of Warrants and Payroll
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
This is a monthly process.
The warrants and payroll totals are inspected and clarification is given if needed. The Board Warrant Report is attached. Beginning this month, the supplemental payroll will be included in the payroll totals.
Fiscal Implications:
April: $61,593.46
April: $152,316.21
April: $ 47,673.35
Total: $ 199,989.56
March: $3,190.00
March $1895.51
Total: $5,085.51
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.2 Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 10, 2017
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The minutes prior meetings (digitally attached) are inspected, corrected if needed, and approved. This is a routine monthly process for the Board.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi, Karen Roberts
Agenda Item 3.
A trustee can have an item removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item. An administrator or a member of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and given individual consideration for action as a regular agenda item at the pleasure of the Board.
3.3 Resignations and Hires
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Shayna Krohn: Yard Duty
Angelique Lopez: Custodian
New Hires:
Melynda Blain: District Office Technician
Jennifer Velasquez: Spanish Enrichment Teacher
Ashly Chapman: Yard Duty
Rebecca Kimber: Fourth Grade Instructional Aide
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 4.
4.1 Comments by the Public
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Board members or staff may choose to respond briefly to Public Comments.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 5.
5.1 Interest Apportionment Rate–Humboldt County
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
When school districts in Humboldt County receive apportionments these funds are deposited with the Treasurer of the County. In the attached correspondence, the Treasurer’s office reports on the interest earned by the District’s funds.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 6.
6.1 Board Members
6.2 Jacoby Creek Teachers Association
6.3 California School Employees Association
6.4 Principal
6.5 Superintendent
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
6.1 Board members may choose to make a report.
6.2 and 6.3 JCTA and CSEA may choose to address the Board.
6.4 Each month the Principal gives a report on school events and activities.
6.5 Each month the Superintendent may give a report on the state of the District.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 7.
7.1 Student Enrollment and Attendance Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Each month the Board receives this report to keep the Board apprised of enrollment and attendance patterns. As our revenue is generated by our enrollment and actual daily attendance, there are fiscal implications from these reports..
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi, Cathryn Babinski
Agenda Item 7.
7.2 Change to 2017-2018 Enrollment Timeline
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Local school have agreed to changing enrollment timeline in order to facilitate procuring interdistrict transfers for students living outside of the district’s geographic boundaries in a timely manner and to provide consistency between local schools timelines. Jacoby Creek School has historically enrolled students much later in the school year than other local schools.
Proposed Enrollment Timeline:
11/1 Enrollment window begins
11/30 Meet the K and TK teacher night
1/19 Random Public Lottery
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi, Cathryn Babinski
Agenda Item 7.
7.3 2017-2018 Calendar with School Events Included
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
This calendar has been updated to reflect school events, trimesters, and School Board Meetings. The staff compiled this information at the April Staff Meeting.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.4 Elimination of 2:15 Bus Run in 2017-2018 School Year
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The district contracts with Northern Humboldt Union High School District (NoHum) for transportation services. Currently, on Tuesday through Friday, two busses leave Jacoby Creek School at 2:15 to provide transportation from school to home for students in TK through third grade. A second bus run occurs at 3:00 for student in fourth through eighth grade. All students are dismissed at 2:15 on Mondays.
An average of 5 and 12 students are riding on the two 2:15 busses each day.
NoHum has provided the District two options for the 2017-2018 school year. One contract option maintains the current agreement with bus runs at 2:15 and 3:00 for $78,969.76. The second contract option eliminates the 2:15 bus run on Tuesdays through Friday. This contract is for $55,701.43.
A small number of student are using the 2:15 bus run and it will cost the District $23,268.33 in 2017-2018 to maintain this service.
If the two 2:15 bus runs were eliminated, students in primary grades could use the Activity Center until 3:00 when busses leave the school. This service could be offered free of charge to students that ride the bus at 3:00.
Fiscal Implications:
$23,268.33 savings in 2017-2018.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.5 Contract with Northern Union High School District, Financial and Payroll Services Agreement
Action Requested:
Approval of three year contract.
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District has contracted with Northern Humboldt Union High School District (NoHum) for business services for more than 10 years. The District is very satisfied with the services provided. The current contract expires June 30, 2017. NoHum offered a one year or a three year contract for renewal. The three year contract rate is priced a little higher but it guarantees a stable rate for the next three years.
Fiscal Implications:
2016-2017 Contract Rate: $52,125
Three year contract 2017-2020: $63,500 annually
$11,373 increase in annual cost from current contract.
One year contract: $60,000
$7,873 increase in annual cost from current contract.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.6 Contract with Northern Humboldt Union High School District Technology Services Agreement
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The District renews the contract with NoHum for technology services (internet access) annually. The current contract expires on June 30, 2017. The rate is the same as the previous year.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.7 Increase Certificated Music Teacher Hours
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
For the last 18 years music instruction has been provided for primary students by a classified employee. Recently, fourth grade recorder instruction was added as a grant funded position. The teacher that has served in this position has retired. Music instruction for student in grades 5-8 is provided by a certificated teacher.
The current certificated music position is a 0.28 FTE. The addition of primary music instruction and fourth grade recorder instruction to this position would increase it to 0.62 FTE.
The administration believes that these positions should be combined in order to provide consistent and quality music education to students at Jacoby Creek School.
Fiscal Implications
$9,453 increase in cost
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.8 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, District Board of Trustees
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Members of the District Board of Trustees are required to be trained in sexual harassment prevention. An online training through Keenan Safe Schools is available to meet this requirement and access to this training will be provided to members of the Board.
Fiscal Implications
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 7.
7.9 State and Local Bond Report
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
- The following is a summary of the information shared at past meetings of the Board regarding the state and local bonds:
- The local bond will provide the District with 2.7 million dollars to improve its facilities for its students and community.
- The state bond may provide the district with just over 10 million dollars, without providing a local match, to improve its facilities for its students and community. The State Allocation Board (SAB) currently has established lists regarding bonding authority. The Governor has established conditions to release state bond funds. SAB Bonding authority will require the SAB to make decisions on how to process the lists.
- These two streams of bond funding will require careful and deliberate coordination. The services of a School Facilities Consultant (SFC) and a Facilities Master Planner (FMP) who work closely together are critical to give the District the maximum opportunity to secure state bond funding.
- The District has contracted with Isom Advisors to provide SFC services and SchoolWorks to provide FMP services. Isom Advisors and SchoolWorks work together collaboratively. Isom Advisors is also our Bond Advisor.
- We advertised for members of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for Measure K (CBOC) and the Board approved the members of the committee.
- We held a meeting of our Facilities Improvement Committee (FIC) and reached out to stakeholders in the school community to join the FIC. Ken Reynolds and Mike Cannon of Schoolworks, our FMP, came to our second FIC meeting and discussed possible options for our facilities. At the regular meeting of the Board on 4/10/17, the minutes of the FIC meeting were shared with the Board and the public. SchoolWorks will have another meeting with our FIC in May to present proposals for our facilities. When the FIC has agreed upon a plan for our facilities, it will be brought to the Board for approval.
- We established a timeline for selling our local bonds.
- The District has seven projects from the past that were Occupied Without (Final) Certification by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and one project that was not closed. These projects need Final Certification to insure that they do not interfere with the District’s ability to secure state bond funding. The Superintendent is working with Philip Morton, a DSA Inspector, on an hourly basis to obtain Final Certification for all of these projects.
Agenda Item 7. Continued
Subject Continued:
7.9 State and Local Bond Report
- The following is new information regarding the local bonds:
- The administrative staff, the District’s bond advisor, the District’s bond attorney and other entities needed to sell bonds worked together on the sale of the bonds. Our bonds sold on Wed, 5/4/17. We were able to secure the property taxpayers in our district an interest rate of 4.02%. This rate is in the range of what is considered by experts in the field to be an historic low.
- An initial meeting of the CBOC was held on Wed, 5/3/17. The Superintendent presented the CBOC with information regarding its role. The CBOC needs more members. The District will continue to advertise for CBOC members on our website.
Fiscal Implications:
Final Certification of past projects will create increased costs that will be charged to the Special Reserve fund.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 8.
8.1 Student Recognition for Science Fair
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Jacoby Creek School 7th/8th Teacher, Diana Skiles, will be presenting awards to two 8th grade students for their accomplishments at the County Science Fair
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Melanie Nannizzi
Agenda Item 9.
No Items
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Agenda Item 10.
10.1 Items for consideration for future agendas
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board may consider items for future Board meeting agendas. Board members or the public may suggest agenda items. The Board President and the Superintendent determine if an item is placed on the agenda based upon if it related to school district business and within the jurisdiction of the Board.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi
Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 11.
11.1 Thursday, June 15, 2017; Friday, June 16, 2017 at 8:30 a.m, Monday, August 14, 2017
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action, Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
At its annual organizational meeting in December, the Board schedules its meetings for the 2017 calendar year. The Board may adjust this meeting schedule as needed.
Fiscal Implications:
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 12.
12.1 The President will verbally review items to be discussed during Closed Session as listed below.
12.2 Closed Session Open Hearing
12.3 Adjourn to Closed Session
12.3.1 Conference with Labor Negotiator
Agency designated representative: Timothy Parisi
Employee organizations: JCTA, CSEA Bayside
12.3.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation
Title: Superintendent
12.3.3 Public Employment:
Title: Superintendent
12.3.4 Public Employment:
Title: Principal
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action:
Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
In compliance with the Brown Act:
12.3.1 The Board will conference with its Labor Negotiator.
12.3.2 The Board will review the evaluation of the Superintendent.
12.3.3 The Board will review its contract with the Superintendent.
12.3.4 The Board will review the District’s contract with the Principal
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Shari Lovett
Agenda Item 13.
13.1 Report of action taken during Closed Session
Action Requested:
Previous Staff/Board Action:
Background Information and/or Statement of Need:
The Board will report any action taken during closed session.
Fiscal Implications:
To be determined.
Contact Person/s:
Timothy Parisi, Shari Lovett