Board Minutes 08-27-2018
A special meeting of the Governing Board of Jacoby Creek School District was held on August 27, 2018 at 7:15 PM, in the Library
Board Members Present: Shari Lovett, Danielle Witten-Lehman, JR Renteria, Vickie Thornburgh and Tuan Luu
Board Members Absent: None
Board Members Arriving Late: None
Staff Present: Superintendent Timothy Parisi, Principal Melanie Nannizzi, John Moore, Catherine Girard
Visitors Present: None
Meeting called to order at 7:19 PM
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Moore
1.2 Agenda: Items to be removed from the agenda or changes to the agenda will be made at this time.
Motion made by Trustee Luu, seconded by Trustee Renteria
Motion passed unanimously
No items
No items
4.1 Comments by the Public-No comments
Under this item, the public is invited to address the Board regarding items that are not on tonight’s agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes each. The Board is not allowed under the law to take action on matters that are not on the agenda. Should comments from the public pertain to a charge or complaint against an employee of Jacoby Creek School District, the Board encourages the speaker to utilize the district’s written complaint procedures to pursue the matter. The public will have an opportunity to comment on all agenda items as those items are heard this evening.
6.1 Board Members-No recognitions, announcements, reports
6.2 Jacoby Creek Teachers Association (JCTA) – No Recognitions, Announcements or Reports
6.3 California School Employees Association (CSEA) – No Recognitions, Announcements or Reports
6.4 Assistant Superintendent-No announcements
6.5 Superintendent/Principal Nannizzi announced that 471 students were enrolled on the first day of school.
7.1 State and Local Bond Report
Assistant Superintendent Parisi shared that the City of Arcata has agreed not to contest the Districts zoning resolution. The city will not require the District to build curbs, sidewalks, or sewer lines. The District will not be required to obtain a Coastal Development Permit.
It was also shared that the cultural artifact excavation found arrowheads and other cultural artifacts. These discoveries led the tribes to consider the site culturally significant and that the tribe will not agree to a Class 14 Categorical Exemption for our projects. The tribes recommend that the District engage in the CEQA process by preparing an Initial Study and the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). The MND will be more expensive and more time consuming.
Assistant Superintendent Parisi shared the letter from the Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria and the letter he sent in response to the letter. He also explained that he is would like to propose an alternate path and develop an MOU with the tribes.
The cultural artifact issues described will most likely make us ineligible for the state bond funding because the bond money is running out and will not be obtainable.
The Measure K budget summary and the JCS Opinion of Probable Cost designed by the facilities planners was also shared. Mr. Parisi shared ways to cut cost in project one now that it appears that we will no longer have state bond money. Approximately $400,000 of local bond money has been expended to design project two.
Trustee Luu shared that he is disappointed that our consultant led us to believe that we would be eligible for state bond funding. He shared that he believes that we should consider an exit plan.
Project two plans will be submitted to DSA on September 7. DSA fees have already been spent.
Trustee Lovett asked if we had spoken with the the architects at Siskiyou Design to see if they would be willing to freeze project two.
Trustee Renteria asked when we need to expend our local bond money. The issue with the tribe could be considered an extenuating circumstance and we could have more than the three years to spend our local money.
The question is whether or not we want to proceed with the additional spending needed to complete our project two plans when there is little hope of us being involved in the current state bond funding cycle.
Trustee Renteria suggested that we wait to hear the tribe response to the Assistant Superintendent’s letter at tomorrow’s meeting.
Trustee Lovett is interested in meeting with Siskiyou Design and getting more information from the tribes before we make any decisions regarding how we proceed with project two.
Trustee Thornburgh commented that the District needs to be very sensitive to the tribe’s stance on this issue and approach tomorrow’s meeting with respect for their culture.
7.2 Authorization to Provide Professional Services, Planwest Partners Inc.
Assistant Superintendent Parisi shared that the Board has the option to contract with other companies, but Planwest is a local company that has a good relationship with the tribes. Another option is to approve a Categorical Exemption even though the tribes have written to us explaining that they do not believe that this is appropriate.
Motion made by Trustee Luu, seconded by Trustee Witten-Lehman
Motion passed unanimously
10.1 Items to consider for future agendas-no items
11.1 Future Board meetings
Monday, September 10, 2018, Monday, October 8, 2018, Monday, November 5, 2018
Adjournment: 8:35 PM